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게시판 상세
제목 ☆Size Chart(for Tailormade wetsuit)☆
작성자 (ip:)
  • 평점 0점  
  • 작성일 2018-10-26 15:05:48
  • 추천 추천하기
  • 조회수 995

☆Size Chart(for Tailormade wetsuit)☆

This is a size chart for Double K custom-made suits.
The size marked in yellow is a mandatory size for Easy Custom products.

Thank you for your interest in Double K product.


Our wetsuit uses Yamamoto #45 SCS, the highest neoprene fabric that is most suitable for free diving among Yamamoto fabrics.


- I'm sending you a video link with the size chart and how to measure the size.

(Eng) https://youtu.be/kjSpB5l2atw



- I am sending you a program that allows you to see the design and color color you want in advance, so please make various drafts in advance, save them, and send them with a size chart when you make your favorite one. I attached the example.



The Simulator


- If you have a logo, please send it in an ai file.


After checking the final draft, the production will proceed and it will take about 2 weeks.

Please enter your name, address (including ZIP code), and contact information correctly.



Double K will make the best product so that you can love your diving more.


If you have any questions about the size, please email gm@subonekr.com. 

첨부파일 Double K Size Chart_Female(eng) 220721.xlsx , Double K Size Chart_Male(eng) 220721.xlsx
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